Erin Sedgley
RYT 500
Erin loves a class that helps her truly stop thinking about the world for a while. A practice that she can simply move, breathe and express herself freely is something that she loves for herself and tries to create this same experience for others when she is leading a class.
“I am aware of how intimidating yoga can be for someone who has never experienced it before. I am passionate about showing everyone that yoga is truly an individual experience, and that anyone can do it. Often times we have our minds fixed on what we think a pose should look like, when the most important aspect of yoga is breathing and trusting ourselves.”
Erin likes to teach with some humor, as it helps people not take the class so seriously. “I will admit that when I first came to yoga, I thought of it as simply a way to stretch my muscles. I put all of my emphasis on the physical work, and to be honest, I began to find it boring. When I learned how to move my body with more attention to the felt experience and my breath, the classes started to fly by! I began to crave the time on my mat where I could simply move my body in ways that felt strong and confident. I started to notice that I had an easier time also in moments of rest and stillness. Slowly, I got better about letting go with any expectations I had about my body or my poses. I found that the less I thought about it, the better I started to feel – inside and out. I hope to help my students enjoy this same journey.”
When Erin saw the impact yoga had in her personal life, she wanted to share this with as many people as she could. “Yoga can truly help you learn how to take one thing at a time, not to worry about what you can not control, to always trust yourself and to breathe.”
Her mission is to support and inspire others to shift their focus to the ways in which they can succeed in any situation, one breath, one moment at a time.