Ciara Gibson
Ciara has been involved with sports a good part of her life to include softball, basketball, track and weight training. “I fell in love with fitness and appreciated it more than ever after I had my daughter in 2002. I realized after accomplishing my own personal goals that I wanted to help others. It truly became a passion for me.” Ciara decided to go back to school to become a personal trainer in 2007. Upon graduation, she opened up my own business, Bodies by C of which she trained clients for 10 years.
Ciara was introduced to Vinyasa Yoga in 2014 and that is when things changed for me. “I fell in love! I came to yoga for help with my mobility and found it to be so much more both physically and mentally. Every time I practiced, I learned more. It became something I wanted to pursue not only as a practice for me but to teach.” This is a big reason why Ciara pursued and obtained her yoga training certificate(s) and has been teaching ever since. Ciara has her E-RYT 200, RYT 500 and 100+ hours in Restorative yoga.
“Nothing makes me happier than to help someone and to help them accomplish their goals.”